For the past few years, I've participated in the Goodreads Reading Challenge. I set my goal to 40 books because I do a reading challenge in my classroom every school year and the goal is 40 books. I want to set a good example, so I set the same goal for myself. I chose 5 books that I feel would be great books to read with a family member. There's a couple on this list that I wouldn't read with an elementary school child or early middle school child, but I feel they would be great to read with teenagers. Without further ado, here are my top 5 books of 2019:
5. Wings of Fire by Tui T. Sutherland

My son read this entire series in 2019. He received the first five books as a gift from his grandmother for Christmas. I wanted him to challenge himself with his reading goals, so I bribed him with money to read these books. I told him for every book he finished in the series; I'd pay him ten bucks. I didn't realize there were 12 books in the series. So, to make a long story short, he finished the first five books in a few months and received the rest of the books for his birthday, which was in March. I was out $120, but it was worth every penny. Now, my son doesn't need an incentive to read because this series got him hooked on books. He gave me homework to read this series, and I was able to start it in 2019. I read the first two books, so I have a lot more to read in 2020. To be honest, it's not a book I would read for my own enjoyment because the characters are dragons and not people. However, I love that my son loved it so much. I also like how it addresses issues such as diversity and accepting differences in a way that kids can understand and relate to. The story line was intriguing and intense even though it wouldn't have been a book I would've read without my son's recommendation.
4. The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas

One of my students loaned me this book to read. She told me that I had to read it. Usually, when a student recommends a book, I make every effort to read it. I am so glad I was able to read this book because it was truly life-changing. I didn't understand the Black Lives Matter movement before reading this book. Now, I do, and I can say that my views on the movement have changed because of this story. I feel like I was able to have more empathy for the victims of police brutality than I had before. As much as I loved this story, I wouldn't read it with young children. However, if my children were in an upper middle school grade or high school, I'd read this story with them. It would be a perfect opportunity to discuss this critical issue and what we can do to be part of the solution.
3. Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak

The language and content are strong. The F word is used a lot, which is understandable with five brothers raising each other without adults 🤷. I'd say the content is up to parental discretion. Personally, I wouldn't want my children reading this book until they were in high school. Also, I'm not going to keep this book in my class library. If I were a high school teacher, it'd be one that I would strongly recommend my students to read, though. So many kids that age have already dealt with the loss of a parent and have had to experience raising themselves, so many could relate to the plot of this story.
I was lost until the very end of this story, but I truly believe that was Zusak's intent. Unfortunately, we live in a society of instant gratification, so stories like this aren't popular. However, for readers who appreciate a good amount of depth to a story, they will love this book. Since I was lost for most of it, it took a while for me to get into, but I just kept reading a chapter or two here and there, and before I knew it, I couldn't stop reading it. By the middle of the book, I would be nearly in tears or I would be bursting into laughter at something one of the characters did. I kept reading because I just grew to love the characters and I really just wanted to figure this story out. By the end, it is all revealed and very much worth the confusion.
I didn't realize that fans of Zusak had been waiting over a decade for his next book to come out. I loved the Book Theif, but I didn't follow his work like his fans had. I read that many fans were disappointed, but I just feel like they aren't really giving this story a chance. Many who write reviews hadn't even finished the book. I gave this book a chance because I remember it took me six months to finish the Book Theif because Zusak's style is a bit hard to understand at first. However, the Book Theif was one of my favorites, so I knew this book had to be a powerful read as well. After reading through some of his interviews about his writing process with this book, I learned that he put his whole heart and soul into this story which is why it took him twelve years to write. So, my two cents with this book is that you'll be lost, but it's ok. Keep reading.
2. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

I listened to this book on audible at the beginning of the year in 2020. I had a lot of housework to do over winter break, and listening to a book keeps me focused. I love Charles Dickens, so I figured I'd enjoy listening to this book. I loved every minute of it, and cleaned my entire house as well as purged my kids' playroom. I liked how it is written in first person which isn't common for books written during this time period. Having it written in this way made it easier to follow than other classics. I think this would be a great book for elementary and middle school kids who are advanced readers. It's often difficult for kids in that age to find material on their reading level, but also with appropriate content for their age. This book would be an excellent challenge and a great way to introduce them to a classic.
The main character, Pip is an orphaned boy who is raised by his adult sister and her husband. He dreams of rising from his social status to become a gentleman. He doesn't have much hope in this happening until an anonymous benefactor provides the monetary means to make this a possibility.
1. Restart by Gordon Korman

This is my top pick for 2019. I read this book as a read aloud to my homeroom students because it's on the Hoosier booklist for this school year. My school makes a big deal over the books on the Hoosier book lists, and the kids who read five books from the list get to participate in a doughnut party at the end of the school year. After reading the first chapter I was hooked. I only have about 20 minutes for homeroom, but I found myself wishing for more time each day just so I could read more of the story. The plot reminds me so much of the book, Wonder by RJ Palacio because of the way it addresses issues like bullying and acceptance. It's a story about redemption and it's one I think every kid should read no matter what their reading level.
The story begins with Chase Ambrose waking up in a hospital room after he fell off the roof of his house. Chase soon realizes that he has amensia when he can't recognize his mother or his own relfection. When he returns to school he finds out that he was a star athlete. His sports record isn't the only reputation he has, he also finds out he may have been the school's most notorious bully. Chase has a chance to "restart" his life and choose to be a better person than he was before his accident.
I'm ready to get started on my reading goal for 2020. I already have several books on my TBR list. Here's to another year of reading amazing books! For those interested in viewing my complete list for 2019, click on the link below.